

Construction of a stillage to methanation plant distillery together with a cogeneration unit with a capacity of up to 5 MWe at the distillery plant in Strzyżów

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The project entitled "Construction of a stillage to methanation plant distillery together with a cogeneration unit with a capacity of up to 5 MWe at the distillery plant in Strzyżów".

Project co-financed by the EEA Grants 2014-2021.

Implementation period: 2020-2022

Beneficiary: Grupa AWW Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

Co-financing: 30 211 300,00 PLN including funds from MF EEA: 25 679 605,00 PLN

Purpose of the project:

The aim of the project is to implement an investment consisting in the construction of an installation for methanation of stillage, together with a cogeneration unit with a capacity of 5 MWe at the distillery plant in Tursko.  The installation will produce electricity and heat in cogeneration.

The installed capacity of the planned cogeneration unit is 4,99 MW of electric energy and 5,64 MW of thermal energy.

The project also aims to:

  • increasing the production of energy from RES - thanks to the production of methane from the distillery leachate, which is a by-product of the production of ethyl alcohol in the distillery,
  • reduction of primary energy consumption - thanks to energy production in high-efficiency cogeneration,
  • reducing the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, including CO2. 

The project implementation will contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency in industry. The construction of a distillery leachate methanation installation will allow for the implementation of important strategic goals of the region and the country and will satisfy the numerous needs of local residents and investors.

The planned investment project will have a positive impact:

  1. Social, through:
  • creating new jobs,
  • increasing the ecological awareness of the society, inter alia, through the information campaign planned as part of this investment on the impact of the project on the environment,
  • improvement of material and living conditions of the commune - increasing taxes in the commune, thus increasing its investment capacity,
  • increasing the use of renewable energy sources in industry, thus reducing the burden on the plant's production for the environment and residents. 
  1. Economic, through:
  • increasing the commune's revenues from taxes, including property tax,
  • increasing the efficiency and energy efficiency of energy production processes in industry - increasing the combined energy produced,
  • reduction of the cost of energy raw materials - reduction of the demand for energy from coal, energy production from by-products of industrial production of ethyl alcohol,
  • increasing the country's energy security - increasing energy production from distributed sources. 
  1. Environmental, through:
  • potential reduction of emissions of substances harmful to the environment, including dust, SO2, NOx, CH4, NH4, CO2 and dust (emissions avoided compared to energy production from coal),
  • reduction of environmental degradation due to the extraction of fossil fuels - reduction energy demand from coal,
  • energetic use of the by-product of ethanol production, ie the leachate distillery,
  • an increase in the share of energy produced from RES in the country's energy balance.

Fundusze europejskie

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Fundusze EOG reprezentują wkład Islandii, Liechtensteinu i Norwegii w tworzenie Europy zielonej, konkurencyjnej i sprzyjającej integracji społecznej. Istnieją dwa cele ogólne: ograniczenie nierówności ekonomicznych i społecznych w Europie i wzmocnienie relacji dwustronnych pomiędzy państwami-darczyńcami a 15 krajami UE z Europy Środkowej
i Południowej i obszaru Morza Bałtyckiego.

Trzy Państwa-Darczyńcy ściśle współpracują z UE w ramach Porozumienia

o Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym (EOG). Darczyńcy przekazali 3,3 miliarda euro

w ramach kolejnych programów funduszy w latach 1994–2014. Fundusze EOG

na lata 2014–2021 wynoszą 1,55 miliarda euro. Priorytety na ten okres to:

#1 innowacje, badania naukowe, edukacja i konkurencyjność;

#2 integracja społeczna, zatrudnienie młodzieży i ograniczenie ubóstwa;

#3 środowisko, energia, zmiany klimatu i gospodarka niskoemisyjna;

#4 kultura, społeczeństwo obywatelskie, dobre zarządzanie i podstawowe prawa;

#5 sprawiedliwość i sprawy wewnętrzne.

Fundusze EOG są wspólnie finansowane przez Islandię, Liechtenstein i Norwegię, których

wkład oparty jest na ich PKB. Kwalifikowalność do funduszy wynika ze spełnienia kryteriów określonych w ramach Funduszu Spójności UE przeznaczonego dla państw członkowskich,
w których dochód krajowy brutto na mieszkańca jest niższy niż 90% średniej unijnej.


Więcej informacji o Funduszach można znaleźć na stronie:


Funds EOG

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The EEA Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to creating a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. There are two general objectives: reducing economic and social inequalities in Europe and strengthening bilateral relations between donor states and the 15 EU Central European countries and the South and the Baltic Sea area.

The three Donor States work closely with the EU under the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Donors contributed EUR 3.3 billion as part of successive fund programs in 1994–2014.

EEA funds for 2014–2021 amount to EUR 1.55 billion.

The priorities for this period are:

  • innovation, research, education and competitiveness;
  • social inclusion, youth employment and poverty reduction;
  • environment, energy, climate change and low carbon economy;
  • culture, civil society, good management and fundamental rights;
  • justice and home affairs.

The EEA funds are jointly financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, whose contributions are based on their PKB.

Eligibility for the funds results from meeting the criteria set out in the EU Cohesion Fund for Member States where gross domestic income per capita is less than 90% of the EU average.

More information about the Funds can be found at:

